We Know What You
Need to Know
We Know GSA
Our team has more than 50 years of collective experience writing winning GSA proposals and managing GSA contracts.
Our Principal Consultant has worked as a consultant to the Utah Procurement Technical Assistance Center (PTAC) and led hundreds of Utah small businesses through GSA proposal workshops and contract administration trainings.
Our team has consulted with thousands of companies looking to succeed within the GSA MAS program.
Team members actually manage contracts for companies that our sister company, GSA Proposal Help, has worked for in the past and we have kept those contracts in compliance for nearly 20 years. You learn a great deal about a contracting process when continuously working with contracts for decades.
Put our expertise into your hands with our DIY GSA tools!

We Want You to Know
What We Know
Our story starts in 1994 when our Principal Consultant and Founder, Tracie Grant, worked at Covey Leadership Center (now FranklinCovey). The team lead over federal agencies wanted to get a GSA Schedule, but he knew it was a practically insurmountable task -- particularly back then as it was not an open solicitation at the time and if you didn't get a schedule on your initial proposal, you had to wait a year or more before you could repropose. Because there were no books, guides, no Amazon.com, no YouTube, or any other available information about how to really complete a GSA proposal, our leader hired a well-known Washington DC consulting firm to head our proposal efforts. They had not written a GSA proposal yet either, but they had DC connections with people who had.
Tracie was brought on to the proposal team to coordinate proposal requirements and activities on Covey's end and to serve as the Federal Programs Administrator after award, as GSA required all contract holders to have such a position at the time - or so we believed. At the time, there was no company internet (but we had email!). There was nothing in the way of publicly available guidance or resources. No YouTube or Amazon or even any good classes to take. We relied completely on the consultant to whom we paid tens of thousands of dollars - even way back then.
Throughout the effort, the consultant would call Tracie and tell her what she or the team needed to write or create or gather and put together. Tracie would either work with the team to accomplish the task, or she would gather the information and put things together on her own. Every time the consultant would call and give Tracie a task, Tracie wondered why the consulting firm got all the money and it seemed that she did all the work.
Tracie was dying for a proposal guide that gave her background information, templates, and examples, but there was none to be had. After Covey won their contract, Tracie searched high and low for an administration guide, but there was no such thing at the time, so, Tracie learned from the teachers at the GSA school of hard knocks and learned to interpret what the contracting officers wanted by guessing and resubmitting. It wasn't fun, but over the last 27 or so years, she has built a vast array of knowledge. Because she had GSA experience, every job from 1995 forward, she got because the employer either had a GSA Schedule that needed managing, or they needed to get a schedule. Like FranklinCovey, her employers found success with the GSA Schedule program. And that's why she wants to help you.
With the knowledge she has gained, and her belief that tools, templates, and samples would have saved the Covey team thousands of dollars when writing their GSA proposal, Tracie has created DIY GSA and all their tools with the goal in mind of being the resource she needed back then and that you need now. And, frankly, this is great knowledge to have. If you want to be in the federal space, you're going to need to understand solicitations and responses, so why not start with a GSA MAS proposal!
Tracie does say that the consulting firm Covey used was spectacular, and if you have tens of thousands of dollars, spending that budget on a Washington DC firm to build your full federal program may suit some companies. She truly wants to make sure that companies who don't have the budget can have the resources they need at a price they can afford to help them win.
We Have Created a Way to Share
What We Know

Our sister company, GSA Proposal Help, has been providing turnkey proposal services since 2008. Part of that time was spent helping Utah PTAC clients create winning GSA proposals. Tracie had created the Six-Step Process prior to connecting with the company that had a contract to help the Utah PTAC back in 2008. This process was the perfect base for a three-day workshop Tracie facilitated to help the PTAC clients complete their proposals. Small Utah business leaders met once a week for three successive weeks and Tracie walked them through the proposal-writing process and helped them create their proposals right there in class.
We have taken Tracie's Six-Step Process and aligned it with GSA's new MAS Solicitation to break down the proposal process further. Then, taking advantage of e-learning, webinars, videos, and other technologies, we walk our DIY GSA clients through the proposal process in 30 days. Every day clients access an asynchronous e-learning video or webinar, and these along with the GSA Proposal Guide and the 30-Day Workbook provide our clients the best way to complete their own proposal within 30 days.
We're not going to lie; it has been hard to keep our tools current as GSA has updated the process significantly and often over the last few years as we have put everything together, but we truly believe our 30-day process can assist thousands of small businesses as they attempt to work through GSA's requirements, and can save those businesses thousands of dollars in consulting fees while giving them valuable proposal preparation experience.
We Are Easy to Work With

Because we are in the GSA game every day, whether we're writing, reviewing, or submitting a proposal, we know what's happening and what GSA expects. We also know how hard things are, so we have created all our DIY GSA tools specifically to help our clients. The key thing that sets us apart from other GSA Consultants, though, is our willingness to be transparent about what we know. We have webinars twice a month to help our clients stay on track and get their questions answered in real time.
Simply purchase the tools you need, stay in touch, and let us put our expertise into your hands.